I’m eagerly walking up three flights of stairs after catching a glimpse of Thembi Nyandeni.

After seeing Umoja, the captivating, eye-stimulating, well-compiled theatrical masterpiece, it’s a great honor to meet one of its creators. In addition to being co-creator, Thembi is also the production and costume designer of Umoja, the hit play that has already traveled to major theaters across the world.

Umoja takes us on a journey, from past to present, detailing through dance and different musical forms the oppression faced by black South Africans, the culture, and the unconquerable spirit of the Black people over the past centuries.  We’re on our way to the green room of the Elgin Winter Theatre for the interview.  The first thing that caught my attention was Thembi Nyandeni’s energy and youthful appearance.  I feel drawn to her vibrant spirit. I turn and notice the serious look on her face, which momentarily intimidates me.  My voice cracked as I nervously introduced myself, but then she smiled and sat down, making me comfortable.  I sense she’s been through the interview process a million times, and she’s probably waiting for me to ask standard interview questions. But I don’t want this to be a standard interview. I want it to be a discussion.  I want her to speak the truth, tell people how she feels, tell us what Umoja means to her, and tell us why she needed to tell her story in the first place. I want her to deliver her message.

Actor and producer Thembi Nyandeni.

What is the message of Umoja?

Umoja is about self-discovery and spirituality.  It’s not just about South African history. It’s about black culture from around the world.  I want people to realize that Umoja is about empowering ourselves and connecting with who we are as a people by embracing our culture and understanding our past. Umoja is a representation and is “the spirit of togetherness,” and all audience members can achieve that sense of togetherness. If we can gain this love for ourselves and share that love with each other, black or white, we’ll make a better place to live for our children, their children and ourselves.

February is black history month, and we all strive to educate ourselves about our culture and our past. Is Umoja a good way to educate people about the history of black culture and its experience in South Africa?

With Umoja we entertain and educate, this is “edutainment.” Without Umoja, no one would’ve listened to us or discovered our story.   People are reluctant to pick up a book and read.  And I couldn’t just write a book; who would read a book from a black girl who wasn’t formally educated?  I didn’t go to school to get a degree, and this was the only method I could use to get people to listen to what I had to say.

Would you say theatre is the most effective way to educate people about black history then?

Yes, that’s why I call it edutainment, it’s the most captivating way, that’s why we travel the world, and we want to share what we have all gained.  So many black people and children are angry and not sure why. If they had someone to talk to, their anger could be fueled into self-empowerment, and if they could tell others why they are angry and talk to someone, they would heal, and there would be no need for violent outbreaks.

The Vibrant, colourful costumes of Umoja seduce the eye. The songs, the drums, and the dances are all breathtaking, but do you think they distract us from the educational component?

The costumes tell the same story, the colors, the music, the narrative, everyone can receive the same message through different methods.  The lesson is gained through the journey, and all these elements are used to illustrate the passage of black South Africans from colonialism to apartheid.

Since the majority of Umoja’s cast consists of young people, how does being a cast member help them, and would get youths in Toronto to participate in theatre possibly reduce the issues of youth violence?

Everything in the black community starts with the parents, but because the parents are still healing or need healing, the kids are left to fend for themselves, and that’s when they turn to violence.  It’s because they are angry and frustrated with their situation and feel helpless.  They feel there is no one there for them to talk to.  I was fortunate growing up that I could speak to my parents about anything.  Parents don’t educate their kids enough about who they are; they grow up unfamiliar with their culture and history.  We can’t have other people educating our children. We visit schools in order to educate youths.  The play has taught the youths to take part in educating others and showing them there is another way. We encourage youths to help their parents and their peers, stay humble and give back to their communities. Since Umoja consists mostly of youths, it is merely their voice telling their history and the oppression which we as a people still face; it gives them a platform to be heard.

Some people have argued that a month devoted to black history is unnecessary. For one, it makes us lazy every other day of the year, and two, there’s no Latino, Asian, or Native History Month. Why black history? Do you think that black history month is necessary?

It’s Important to have it, as black people we need to be reminded of our past.  It’s a time we reunite as a family and embrace our culture.  I don’t care if other races have a month; that’s up to them. Black history is important to me.  My history will not disappear!

Thembi, do you think we are progressing as a people and community? What helps us make that progress or prevents us from growing stronger as a community?

Black people have always had music and arts.  This is how we have progressed. We have made our voices known through songs.  We’ve had talent since slavery days.  For centuries, our talents have been the only method for any chance of success.  We used the arts to survive. We sang songs when we were angry to get the anger out of our bodies.  It has been our method of healing. We were kept from schools, from books, and even now are prevented from progressing with poor education in our neighbourhood schools. Today, we can say a few are doctors and lawyers, but it’s not enough. Education costs and they know we will never be able to afford it. We are being held back as we try to heal ourselves and grow.  If we adopt the message from Umoja, be proud, and unite “the spirit of togetherness,” we will see further changes. But still, some of us are gifted, and the only way out is to utilize the talents our ancestors passed on.  They can’t take that from us.

Negative images of black people are always portrayed in the media; Umoja has been a positive movement towards highlighting and bringing light to the positives of black people and culture. You travel all over the world, creating a different view for people. What’s going to happen for you after it’s done after you’ve stopped?

I’m Passionate about art. I do it for love. As long as I have this passion, I will continue, and that’s why I educate others so they can continue as well. We need people to see more of the positive and good things about our people. Some of us are angry, as I said, and don’t know why. This is for them, this is for you, this isn’t for white or black, this is for everyone.

Umoja is now playing at the Elgin Theatre. For tickets, call Ticketmaster at 416.872.1111 or visit www.ticketmaster.ca. Thembi Nyandeni also appears in the Oscar-nominated South African movie Tsotsi, which opens in Toronto in March.

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